Went from rapper to violent movie star, then to comedy movie star (with a stopover in porn), and now has his own reality show about raising his kids. Sure, he was never actually Badass, but still, he went from advocating use of a illegal substance, to, well, whatever he is now. Started as "Puff Daddy", a pot-loving rapper. Anybody in this RottenTomatoes article.Specifically individual rappers do it because either they are getting older and wealthier and thus some feel the subjects they dealt with doesn't relate as much anymore while others do it because they want to adopt an attitude of a "safe rapper", someone who can work with non hip hop artists and not scare off the latter's intended audience.From "Rapper's Delight", "The Message", " Fuck the Police" and " Fight The Power", to. The entire genre of hip hop as record companies discovered it and subverted it to broaden it to a larger audience instead of the inner cities.So My Kids Can Watch happens when a performer does family-friendly fare with every intention of going back to business as usual afterwards.Įxamples of Rated "G" for Gangsta include: Related to Scary Musician, Harmless Music and Bleached Underpants (when a work distances itself from its pornographic beginnings). But, the most common reason is having children - the entertainer doesn't want his kids to think of him as nothing more than the guy who shouted obscenities on TV, or he now feels how other parents felt about having his kids exposed to such obscenities.Ĭompare Tom Hanks Syndrome. Either the entertainer actually changes his/her worldview after being exposed to a lifestyle until then unthinkable, he/she wants to try something new (like acting!), the Moral Guardians complained way too much about the song their kids insisted on listening to, or perhaps his pockets were lighter than he thought.

A Saturday Night Live guest spot today, presenting an MTV Video Awards tomorrow, a little Sesame Street Cred, and before you know, they'll have a Reality Show about raising their kids. The only thing that doesn't change is the bling, it seems.Īnd it's not just the wardrobe that changes. This is more obvious with rappers, who usually begin as anti-establishment and cynical musicians, and, as they go to Hollywood after they manage to get a hit out in the public's ears, begin to make more presentable appearances, going from "baggy pants and wifebeater" to "sport jacket and unbuttoned shirt" to "three piece suit". There is a trend of entertainers developing Lighter and Softer material after they reach the "mainstream", when their original stuff was much more adult-oriented, or, at least, "mature". PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.

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